San Mateo Celebrates! Festival in the Library (at the Main Library)

San Mateo Public Library (Main) 55 West 3rd Avenue, San Mateo, CA, United States

From Festival in the Library 10am - 2pm | San Mateo Public Library | Food Trucks on Site 10-10:50am (Oak Room) • Welcome & Storytime • We kick off with a special edition of one of the Library’s most popular programs. VIP guests are the Paws for Tales program and local dignitaries. 11-11:45am (Oak […]

San Mateo Celebrates! San Mateo Shakes (at the Main Library)

San Mateo Public Library (Main) 55 West 3rd Avenue, San Mateo, CA, United States

From San Mateo Shakes 4:30-5:30pm | San Mateo Public Library (Oak Room) San Francisco Shakespeare Festival brings their rendition of Romeo and Juliet to us. Follow two star-crossed teenagers as they fall in love despite the their families’ bitter feud. Set in the 1960’s when generations clashed on how to navigate change. Director Katja […]

San Mateo Celebrates! San Mateo Chats (at the Main Library)

San Mateo Public Library (Main) 55 West 3rd Avenue, San Mateo, CA, United States

From San Mateo Chats 6-7:30pm | San Mateo Public Library (Oak Room) Stanford Associate Professor James Zou joins us to talk about the research that put him on the cover of Nature Medicine and how AI is used for patient diagnosis and precision medical treatment. Professor Zou is an associate professor of Biomedical Data […]

San Mateo Celebrates! San Mateo Delights (at the Main Library)

San Mateo Public Library (Main) 55 West 3rd Avenue, San Mateo, CA, United States

From San Mateo Delights 6:30-8:30pm | San Mateo Public Library (Oak Room) Music at Kohl Mansion presents the Pan-Latin quartet SUDAMERICANTO which takes us on a journey through South American and Caribbean traditions with a Brazilian jazz twist. The group features multi-faceted Puerto Rican vocalist/interpreter Madeleine Zayas and high caliber Bay Area musicians/educators natives […]

San Mateo Celebrates! San Mateo Reflects (at the Main Library)

San Mateo Public Library (Main) 55 West 3rd Avenue, San Mateo, CA, United States

From San Mateo Reflects 5:30-7:30pm | San Mateo Public Library (Oak Room) Dress Codes: How the Laws of Fashion Changed History Stanford Law Professor Richard Thompson Ford takes us on an exploration of fashion through the ages that asks what our clothing reveals about ourselves and our society. Dress Codes has been translated into […]

San Mateo Celebrates! San Mateo Knows: Trivia Night Benefit (at the Main Library)

San Mateo Public Library (Main) 55 West 3rd Avenue, San Mateo, CA, United States

From San Mateo Knows: Trivia Night Benefit Put your knowledge to the test in the ultimate trivia showdown that even librarians from other libraries can’t resist! Don’t miss this special ticketed edition of Trivia Night, a standout event in our festival lineup. Before the battle of wits begins, kick off the evening with pre-trivia […]